Reflections on the small things, and the big ones, that impact our day-to-day lives.
A rainy day playlist
My relationship with weather is irrational, and I know it. It’s a rainy Tuesday—a very rainy Tuesday and all I want is for the rain to go away, or at least let up…
Black Friday
There’s been a lot of controversy lately over Black Friday . . . particularly with how it has somehow extended itself into Thursday night after our Thanksgiving meals. The petitions on and…
Kitchen wisdom
Large or small, those things we call appliances come with expectations that exceed warranties
Sugarholics not-so-anonymous
I’m the opposite of my mother and dessert is my THING. I pride myself on my baking skills—something I excel at probably because I love sugar so much. The “sweet tooth’’—which I definitely…
What is it about dessert?
Sweeten our world, sweeten our day.
Dear high school self . . .
Last weekend I did what my high school self would have thought impossible . . . I ran a 5K. To someone whose attention on the soccer field as a young girl was…