Reflections on the small things, and the big ones, that impact our day-to-day lives.
Anxiety and Uncertainty: Loosening the Knot
Back in January, when the new year felt fresh, a New York Times essay—“How to Thrive in an Uncertain World”— caught my eye. Immediately a Pema Chodron title I go back to again…
6,875 Photos? Yikes!!
Many years ago, on a trip to California with a friend, we found ourselves on a beach outside of San Francisco. The sun was beginning to set. A young woman on a horse,…
The Sound of One Muscle Tearing
Today finds me ruminating on the nature of riddles. At their silliest and simplest, they play with preconceived notions and linguistic tricks in the questions being asked. Brain teasers, good for aging minds,…
Lessons Gleaned from Untangling Necklaces
I take an odd (some might say insane) pleasure in untangling necklace chains. Today’s fixation is a dainty chain with a small silver charm hanging from it. A talisman of sorts, the charm…
The Minor Fall/the Major Lift
“Is ‘Hallelujah’ a Christmas song?” asks a friend. He has a doubtful look on his face. He heard the song as part of a Christmas compilation. Leonard Cohen aficionado that he knows I…
The Stories We Tell Ourselves
West Side Story In another lifetime I lived on the Upper West Side of Manhattan. The streets were funkier, gentrification on the rise, decades past the time and setting of the movie musical…