Reflections on the small things, and the big ones, that impact our day-to-day lives.
What day of the week never comes?
Show of hands, how many of us have already broken our New Year’s resolutions two and a half weeks into the New Year? That’s because New Year’s resolutions are dumb. Seriously. They’re almost…
New Year’s Day
Pajamas. A cup of coffee. A book. Sunlight filtering in through the window. Really no different from any other morning, except maybe the lingering a little longer in pajamas. Yesterday a late afternoon…
Holiday shopping: let your conscience be your guide
The holiday shopping season has been in full swing for a few weeks and boy is it scary out there, especially on the weekends. I’ve been trying to get most of my shopping…
Coming Home
How perfect!—my daughter writes a post about being on the road and my thoughts turn to coming home. It happens every year. Thanksgiving rolls around, she lives in L.A., I picture her here,…
On the Road
As the world turns, so do blogs evolve. That ‘spin’ Sara Dolin (yes, my daughter) brought to my blog in September apparently set the wheels in motion for an idea she came up with: how…
Space fantasy
I have a theory about space: the less room you have, the more efficient you are with it, everything in its place. With more space comes a mushrooming mentality, a catalyst for clutter. …