Reflections on the small things, and the big ones, that impact our day-to-day lives.

On the Road
As the world turns, so do blogs evolve. That ‘spin’ Sara Dolin (yes, my daughter) brought to my blog in September apparently set the wheels in motion for an idea she came up with: how…

Space fantasy
I have a theory about space: the less room you have, the more efficient you are with it, everything in its place. With more space comes a mushrooming mentality, a catalyst for clutter. …

The sound of one leaf falling
The transition from one season to the next is always a reminder of something fluid, even elusive. Sure you wake one day and the calendar tells you it’s autumn, this year’s arrival last…

Spin-A-Gogue, Anyone?
My daughter calls me, no Talmudic issue, a simple statement: I don’t know if I’m feeling services this year. I can relate. I myself feel a little like a wandering Jew, not sure where…

The captain has turned on the seatbelt sign . . .
Years ago, en route from New York to Japan, I spent a night in Anchorage. It was January; the early-morning landscape when I woke up and looked out the hotel window had me…

Early morning, barely awake and jet-lagged, a word pops into my head: Happenstance, a poetic mingling of chance and circumstance. I do think there’s an order to the universe. I don’t think everything…