Reflections on the small things, and the big ones, that impact our day-to-day lives.
The Rich Get Richer . . .
I thought I was making a difference, my little contribution to stimulus spending, when I walked out of Ann Taylor with a spiffy little cardigan and tank top. The fact that I got…
Every Father’s Daughter/Every Mother’s Son
A friend posts a link on Facebook, 5 Ways to Donate/The War Photographer’s Retreat. I take note for a few reasons, not the least of which is that she’s a wonderful poet and…

On any given day, I’ll open my e-mail to find a message from daughter, link included, The Daily Puppy. Hard not to be charmed by pictures of puppies, with or without the subtext,…

On the Cusp
It always hits me like a gentle surprise – I’ll be taking a walk, early March, some icy patches on a road lined with gritty mounds that beg to be called something other…

The Sky at My Fingertips
My husband loves to watch TV; I like sitting with him in our downstairs den, one eye on whatever section of the Sunday New York Times I haven’t yet combed through, the other…
I write, therefore I knit
The day I released my dog from her suffering, I took up knitting again. My daughter had been wanting a scarf patterned with Griffyndor stripes since Harry Potter enchantment overtook her, and my…