Reflections on the small things, and the big ones, that impact our day-to-day lives.

A Dog’s Death
I listen for the sound of footsteps, the early morning signal that she’s up and ready to go out. Rituals that take hold, thirteen years’ worth in this case, are not so readily…

A Dog’s Life
My dog is poised on her rocky perch, staring out at I don’t know what. Alert to anything and everything, squirrels and deer high on the list of attention getters, cars and trucks…

Days of Awe
The ten days between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur are called Yamim Noraim, Days of Awe. This is not something I had any awareness of as a young girl growing up in Brooklyn,…

How Smart Is a Smartphone?
Calling a phone smart is a little like calling a cat a dog because he begs for food, though I confess to once having a cat whose eating habits made him seem more…

Weather Watch
I’m sitting on my deck, the sky turning dark, day to night in minutes, rolling thunder in the distance. The wind kicks up, followed by a frenzy of rain, churning up memories of…

Mother’s Day 2010: A long annoying beep wakes me, an alarm system’s battery back-up out of whack. The power outage that began last night shows no sign of letting up anytime soon. Before…