Reflections on the small things, and the big ones, that impact our day-to-day lives.
The writing on the wall
My mother’s birthday was a few days ago. She would have turned 92. Birthdays, holidays, sentimental moments make us think of beloved people gone from our lives. But today she’s on my mind mostly…
The best of times, the worst of times
Today was a perfect autumn day. Crisp, cool air. Golden light. The crunch of leaves underfoot. Tonight, barely 7 p.m. and the sky is ink blue. A crescent moon casts its spell. To…
the holidays
Come late August there’s a noticeable shift in light that catches me off-guard. Little by little, the shortening of days so imperceptible since the summer solstice is suddenly dramatic. Leaves start to lose…
What did you read this summer?
Summer reading is a world unto itself. It’s not as if the love of books doesn’t have us immersed in reading all year long. But summer brings with it memories of freedom from school,…
Rain rain go away . . .
This morning had me scrambling outside for a walk during a brief break from the rain we seem to be getting a lot of lately. Scattered thunderstorms are a summertime staple, the operative…
That deeper thing called Voice
Today had me hankering for a dose of Bob Dylan. Not the ‘Freewheelin’ Bob reminding me there ain’t no use in wondering why or the Rainy Day Bob inviting me to toke up,…